Showing posts with label Data Handling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Data Handling. Show all posts

Bar Chart - What we do at home?

Bar graph or chart is a graphical display of data using bars (horizontally or vertically) to present a particular result.
The bar chart in this worksheet is about what students do at home. 
Each bar in the chart represents students doing the four different chores at home such as making their bed, taking out the rubbish, setting the table and clearing the table.
Read the sentences and choose the appropriate answer.
A fun interactive activity for preschool, kindergarten and homeschoolers in interpreting data.

Bar chart of chores, an interactive worksheet by MadamLSY

Reading a Bar Chart

Bar graph worksheet helps students interpret the data of a shown results. The bar chart in this worksheet displays the number of ice cream an ice cream vendor sells in a day. 
The bar chart represents the number of ice cream sold according to flavours. 
Find out how many vanilla cones were sold. 
Is it more than orange flavour?
Click here to download or print this worksheet.

Bar Chart - School Transport

Bar graph or chart is a graphical display of data using bars (horizontally or vertically) as presentation.
The bar chart in this worksheet represents school transports used by a group of people. Each transport are defined by grey squares to show the number of people using each transport.
Count, write the number in each boxes and then answer the questions followed.
A fun interactive activity for preschool, kindergarten and homeschoolers in data handling.
Click on the worksheet for a interactive practice.