Showing posts with label Multiplication. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Multiplication. Show all posts

Multiplication One - Minute Drill

A one-minute multiplication drill is here! A race against the clock. Time yourself and try solving these questions within a minute. 
See how many you can score with these single digit problems.
Practice every day till you master them. 
A suitable challenging multiplication task for third graders and above.

Single Step Word Problems Multiplication and Division

Most students face challenges when it comes to solving word problems.  Here are some ways you can use to solve them.
1. Read the entire word problem or story.
2. Think and write the word problem down or even illustrate to get a better picture.
3. Find out the operations used: multiplication, division, subtraction or addition, underline the facts given.
4. Check your answer if it makes sense.
5. Practice word problems often. The more the better!

In this worksheet, students read the word problems then choose the correct operation needed to solve.

Fractions - Multiplication and Division W2

This worksheet allows students to practice multiplying and divide the given fractions.  

How to multiply fractions?
Step 1: Multiply the numerators (top number) of the fractions together.
Step 2: Multiply the denominators (bottom number) of the fractions together.
Step 3: Simplify or reduce the answer if necessary.

2/3 x 3/4 = 6/12 = 1/12

How to divide fractions?
Step 1: Change the division ÷ )  to multiplication ( x ).
Step 2: Turn the second fraction upside down.
Step 3: Now multiply the fractions (numerators and denominators)
Step 3: Simplify or reduce the answer if necessary.

1/2  ÷ 4/6 = 1/2 x 6/4 = 6/8 = 3/4

Fractions - Multiplication and Division W1

This worksheet allows students to practice multiplying and divide the given fractions.  

How to multiply fractions?
Step 1: Multiply the numerators (top number) of the fractions together.
Step 2: Multiply the denominators (bottom number) of the fractions together.
Step 3: Simplify or reduce the answer if necessary.

2/3 x 3/4 = 6/12 = 1/12

How to divide fractions?
Step 1: Change the division ÷ )  to multiplication ( x ).
Step 2: Turn the second fraction upside down.
Step 3: Now multiply the fractions (numerators and denominators)
Step 3: Simplify or reduce the answer if necessary.

1/2  ÷ 4/6 = 1/2 x 6/4 = 6/8 = 3/4

Mixed Times Table

This mixed times table worksheet can help students practice their multiplication skills.
A whole set of 80 questions to support learning the times table 1 to 12.
Use the worksheet to challenge yourself!

Click here to download or print this worksheet.

Mixed Times Table, an interactive worksheet by QKidz

Multiplying Fractions

The first step in multiplying fracttion is to multiply the numerator and then the denominator.
Next simplify the fraction if needed.
This worksheet allows students to practice fraction multiplication.
Drag and drop the correct answer to the appropriate place.

Click here to download or print the worksheet.

Darab pecahan, an interactive worksheet by NoorHasliza79

Mixed Times Table

This mixed times table worksheet can help students practice their multiplication skills.
A whole set of 80 questions to support learning the times table 1 to 12.
Use the worksheet to challenge yourself!

Click here to download or print this worksheet.

Mixed Times Table, an interactive worksheet by QKidz

Mixed Times Table

This mixed times table worksheet can help students practice their multiplication skills.
A whole set of 80 questions to support learning the times table 1 to 12.
Use the worksheet to challenge yourself!

Click here to download or print this worksheet.

Mixed Times Table, an interactive worksheet by QKidz

Mixed Times Table

This mixed times table worksheet can help students practice their multiplication skills.
A whole set of 80 questions to support learning the times table 1 to 12.
Use the worksheet to challenge yourself!

Click here to download or print this worksheet.

Mixed Times Table, an interactive worksheet by QKidz

4 Times Table

If you know your times table 2, then times table 4 is double of it. 
For example, 
1 x 2 = 2  whereas 1 x 4 = 4, so double 2 is 4
2 x 2 = 4 whereas 2 x 4 = 8, so double of 4 is 8

Have a go practicing times table 4 by drawing lines to the correct answer.

4 times tables, an interactive worksheet by MrsForbes1

Multiplication Square 1 - 10

A great way to test your times table skills is to see how quick you can fill in this multiplication table!

Multiplication Square, an interactive worksheet by QKidz

Multiplication 3

Use this multiplication worksheet for revising timetable 3
Multiply by 3

Multiplication and Division Fractions

This worksheet allows students to practice multiplying and divide the given fractions.  

How to multiply fractions?
Step 1: Multiply the numerators (top number) of the fractions together.
Step 2: Multiply the denominators (bottom number) of the fractions together.
Step 3: Simplify or reduce the answer if necessary.

2/3 x 3/4 = 6/12 = 1/12

How to divide fractions?
Step 1: Change the division ÷ )  to multiplication ( x ).
Step 2: Turn the second fraction upside down.
Step 3: Now multiply the fractions (numerators and denominators)
Step 3: Simplify or reduce the answer if necessary.

1/2  ÷ 4/6 = 1/2 x 6/4 = 6/8 = 3/4

Multiplication 6

Have fun practising times table six with this interactive worksheet. 
Find the products and solve the multiplication chart.

Multiply by 6, an interactive worksheet by SamiJ_71

Multiplication and Division

This worksheet allows children to find the missing values in the multiplication and division equations. 
Try to decode the numbers to solve the problems.

Grade3-Maths-Lesson19, an interactive worksheet by ebogol

Repeat Addition and Multiplication

This worksheet helps student practice repeated addition and multiplication sentences.
Write the addition sentences and then the multiplication sentences.

Multiplication Missing Factors

Find the missing factors for the multiplications. This is a great practice to test your times table skills.

Grade3-Maths-lesson27, an interactive worksheet by ebogol

Multiplication 3

This interactive enables students to practice their times table 3. 

3 times table, an interactive worksheet by halvarado

Multiplication Arrays

Practice your multiplication skills with this digital worksheet. 
Write the multiplication sentence for each array.