Showing posts with label Algorithm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Algorithm. Show all posts

Coding Directions on Handwashing steps

Coding and Algorithm are part of computer programming.
Both gives the computer simple instructions in order to perform certain tasks.
Likewise in this worksheet you can find out how to sequence hand washing task.

Watch this video on what is an Algorithm.

Use arrow codes and sequence the hand washing steps in correct order.

Coding Directions - Collect the acorns

Coding and Algorithm are part of computer programming.
Both gives the computer simple instructions in order to perform certain tasks.
Likewise in this worksheet you can find out how to find the direction.

Watch this video on what is an Algorithm.

Use arrow codes and sequence the direction for the squirrel to the hedgehog in correct order.

Practice coding with this interactive worksheet. 
Help the squirrel to collect the acorns to take them to the hedgehog.
Place the arrows horizontally or vertically to find the way.

Coding, an interactive worksheet by Maride73

Coding Directions on Handwashing steps

Coding and Algorithm are part of computer programming.
Both gives the computer simple instructions in order to perform certain tasks.
Likewise in this worksheet you can find out how to sequence hand washing task.

Watch this video on what is an Algorithm.

Use arrow codes and sequence the hand washing steps in correct order.