Showing posts with label ICT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ICT. Show all posts

ICT Basic Computer Parts

Identify the names of the appliances in the pictures and match them to the correct word.
This is an activity to be used for recognizing hardwares or parts of a computer.

1 Comp 3, an interactive worksheet by Clunysalem

ICT Worksheet - Parts of a Computer


In this interactive worksheet, children learn to identify the different parts of a computer.  The basic parts of a computer are the central processing unit (CPU), monitor (the screen), keyboard (to type), mouse and printer.
These parts are also known as the hardware.
Match the pictures to the words on the right.

Symmetric Pattern - Rearrange the Colored Blocks

A pattern or object is symmetrical if it can be divided into two or more identical parts.
The lines that divides the identical parts are known as the lines of symmetry.
Let's rearrange the blocks to form symmetrical pattern as in the picture on the left.
A drag and drop activity for elementary school and can be combined with Art, ICT or Math lessons.

Click here to download or print this worksheet.

Simetria, an interactive worksheet by inma129

Get to know the computer

We use computers at school, at work and at home.
Computers are electronic devices that stores and processes informations based on the informations given. They are machines that can work very fast.
Today with computers and internet, we're able to work and study online no matter where we are.
You can do a lot of things with a computer. 
Find out some basic informations about computers through this worksheet.

Computer Lab Rules

In order to maintain orderliness and establish effective learning environment, teachers may introduce rules and regulations in the computer lab. 
This interactive worksheet teaches the do's and don'ts in a computer lab. 
Teachers may use the worksheet as reinforcement to implement the basic rules in a computer room.
It is suitable for all level.

Click here to download or print this worksheet.

Coding Directions on Handwashing steps

Coding and Algorithm are part of computer programming.
Both gives the computer simple instructions in order to perform certain tasks.
Likewise in this worksheet you can find out how to sequence hand washing task.

Watch this video on what is an Algorithm.

Use arrow codes and sequence the hand washing steps in correct order.

Pixel Art The Heart

What is coding?
Coding is also known as computer programming.
It is a kind of computer gaming but involves learning process.
Child at the age of 5 can start learning to code.

Practice coding with this interactive worksheet. 
Drag and drop the colored boxes or tiles to its correct position. 
Use the diagram on the left as guide.

Pixel Art The Dolphin

What is coding?
Coding is also known as computer programming.
It is a kind of computer gaming but involves learning process.
Child at the age of 5 can start learning to code.

Practice coding with this interactive worksheet. 
Drag and drop the colored boxes to its correct position. 
Use the diagram on the left as guide.

Pixel Art The Robot

Pixel robot

What is coding?
Coding is also known as computer programming.
It is a kind of computer gaming but involves learning process.
Child at the age of 5 can start learning to code.

Practice coding with this interactive worksheet. 
Drag and drop the colored boxes or tiles to its correct position. 
Use the diagram on the left as guide.

Pixel robot, an interactive worksheet by luciana_paglia

Coding and Colors

What is coding?
Coding is also known as computer programming.
It is a kind of computer gaming but involves learning process.
Child at the age of 5 can start learning to code.

Practice coding with this interactive worksheet. 
Drag and drop the colored boxes or tiles to its correct position. 
Use the diagram on the left as guide.

Pixel Art The Sun

What is coding?
Coding is also known as computer programming.
It is a kind of computer gaming but involves learning process.
Child at the age of 5 can start learning to code.

Practice coding with this interactive worksheet. 
Drag and drop the colored boxes or tiles to its correct position. 
Use the diagram on the left as guide.

Basic parts of a computer

The basic parts of a computer are:
1.CPU (Central Processing Unit) - input device
2.Keyboard - input device
3.Mouse - input device
4.Speakers - output device
5.Printer - output device
6. Microphone - input device

Identify more devices that can be used along with computers by choosing the best word describing the pictures.

Coding Directions - Collect the acorns

Coding and Algorithm are part of computer programming.
Both gives the computer simple instructions in order to perform certain tasks.
Likewise in this worksheet you can find out how to find the direction.

Watch this video on what is an Algorithm.

Use arrow codes and sequence the direction for the squirrel to the hedgehog in correct order.

Practice coding with this interactive worksheet. 
Help the squirrel to collect the acorns to take them to the hedgehog.
Place the arrows horizontally or vertically to find the way.

Coding, an interactive worksheet by Maride73

Pixel Art - Gift box Christmas

What is coding?
Coding is also known as computer programming.
It is a kind of computer gaming but involves learning process.
A child at the age of 5 can start learning to code.

Practice coding with this interactive worksheet. 
Drag and drop the colored boxes or tiles to its correct position. 
Use the diagram on the left as guide.

Number Words 1 - 20 Sequencing

Learn number words one to twenty with this interactive worksheet.
Order the numbers words with this drag and drop activity.

Coding Directions on Handwashing steps

Coding and Algorithm are part of computer programming.
Both gives the computer simple instructions in order to perform certain tasks.
Likewise in this worksheet you can find out how to sequence hand washing task.

Watch this video on what is an Algorithm.

Use arrow codes and sequence the hand washing steps in correct order.

Pixel Art - Heart

What is coding?
Coding is also known as computer programming.
It is a kind of computer gaming but involves learning process.
Child at the age of 5 can start learning to code.

Practice coding with this interactive worksheet. 
Drag and drop the colored boxes or tiles to its correct position. 
Use the diagram on the left as guide.

Pixel Art - Dolphin

What is coding?
Coding is also known as computer programming.
It is a kind of computer gaming but involves learning process.
Child at the age of 5 can start learning to code.

Practice coding with this interactive worksheet. 
Drag and drop the colored boxes to its correct position. 
Use the diagram on the left as guide.

Pixel Art - Robot

Pixel robot

What is coding?
Coding is also known as computer programming.
It is a kind of computer gaming but involves learning process.
Child at the age of 5 can start learning to code.

Practice coding with this interactive worksheet. 
Drag and drop the colored boxes or tiles to its correct position. 
Use the diagram on the left as guide.

Pixel robot, an interactive worksheet by luciana_paglia

Coding and Colors

Coding e colori

What is coding?
Coding is also known as computer programming.
It is a kind of computer gaming but involves learning process.
Child at the age of 5 can start learning to code.

Practice coding with this interactive worksheet. 
Drag and drop the colored boxes or tiles to its correct position. 
Use the diagram on the left as guide.