Counting in 2


Learn counting in 2 with this cut and paste worksheet. Students count the cherries and stick the correct number in the circle provided. Suitable for kindergarten and grade 1 students.

Subtraction within 5


Minsommen tot 5 - subtraction within 5 worksheet helps students to practice their early subtraction skill. Try the interactive worksheet here.

Subtraction within 5 fish, an interactive worksheet by msrox

Counting in 2's


I can count in 2's worksheet encourages student to practice skip counting in 2. This also builds their multiplication skill.
Use this interactive worksheet below to practice online.

Counting in 2s, an interactive worksheet by MsAlisonMeilak

Star Addition and Subtraction


Star Addition and Subtraction worksheet. Solve the addition and subtraction sums. Color the stars if the answer is 10. This worksheet helps students to be familiar with number bonds to 10.

Beginning Letters


Learn to identify the beginning letters with this worksheet. Say the name of the object and color the letter it begins with. Try this interactive worksheet below.

Write the beginning sound, an interactive worksheet by QKidz

Learn to group objects


Learn to group objects with this simple, colorful worksheet. Circle the number of groups by answering the questions then solve the division sums. An easy to use worksheet for kindergarten, preschool.
Children learn to group objects as part of division practice.

Fractions to Decimals


Fractions to decimals can be converted by dividing the numerator by the denominator. Check out the examples shown in the worksheet and have a go at the questions. Below is an interactive worksheet which you can try too!

Solving Algebraic Expressions


A variables is a letter that represents an unknown number. Letters are used to represent the place of the number when we don't know the number.  Solve these algebraic expressions. 

Number Tracing 1 to 10


This worksheet on number tracing 1 to 10 encourages students to have fun tracing the numbers and learning to identify them. Children can color the triangles outside the circle according to the numbers shown and for number 9 and 10, they may add on the extra triangles to show the total in each picture.
Number 1 - color 1 triangle
Number 2 - color 2 triangles and so forth,
Number 9 - draw an extra triangle and color them
Number 10 - draw 2 extra triangles and color them

All About Me - Back to school activity


All about me printable worksheet is a great first day of school ice-breaker!  Students get to fill in different information about them here and share them with their friends.