This digital worksheet allows students to learn the plural rules by filling in the plural form of the nouns.
We use a singular noun like 'toy' to show that there is only one toy.
If there are many toys, we will use the plural form.
There are many different ways to change nouns into their plural form.
We will look at all the different types of plural nouns.
by adding -s
ant - ants,
giraffe - giraffes,
bag - bags,
table - tables
by adding -es to nouns ending in -s, -sh, -ch, -x
class - classses
glass - glasses
ostrich - ostriches
box - boxes
by adding -es to nouns ending in -o
buffalo - buffaloes
potato - potatoes
mango - mangoes
mosquito - mosquitoes
by adding -s to some nouns ending in -o
kangaroo - kangaroos
zoo - zoos
bamboo - bamboos
piano - pianos
by adding -y into -ies
lorry - lorries
baby - babies
lady - ladies
fly - flies
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Plural, an interactive worksheet by mrssantiago