Darab perpuluhan tahun 4
How to multiply decimals?
Just follow these steps:
Step 1: Multiply as usual
Step 2: Then put the decimals based on the total decimal places in the numbers.
Example 1:
Multiply 0.08 by 1.1
1) Start with: 0.08 x 1.1
2) Multiply without decimal points: 8 × 11 = 88
0.08 has 2 decimal places,
and 1.1 has 1 decimal place,
so the answer has 3 decimal places: 0.088
Example 2:
Multiply 0.432 by 5
1) Start with: 0.432 x 5
2) Multiply without decimal points: 432 × 5 = 2160
0.432 has 3 decimal places,
and 5 has no decimal places,
so the answer has 3 decimal places: 2.160 or 2.16Print or download this worksheet.
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